Basic Information

(Exempt from Tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance)
(Government, Subsidized, Direct Subsidy Scheme)

Charges: Normal and Concessionary rates

Normal rates: these will apply to the vast majority of external bookings (external/commercial organizations, private schools, most "non-profit” organizations, educational or sports groups who expect most attendees to be non-HKU/UGC students/staff) - and this policy follows interpretations of the UGC-CAG rules (only members of funded UGC organisations should obtain subsidized/concessionary use/access to UGC-funded facilities). - If you are one of these groups, do NOT apply for concessionary rates

Concessionary rates: only a very limited number of external booking requests are likely to be granted concessional rates - these may include genuine registered charities (typically excludes non-profit organizations), local direct subsidized schools, educational/HKU groups where the vast majority of attendees will be members of HKU/UGC. - If you are one of these groups you “may” qualify for concessionary rates and will need to supply supporting evidence of your status (e.g. proven charity status under IRD Section 88; audited financial reports; event budget plan, etc.)

*Concessionary rates do not apply to School Sports Day*

Do you wish to apply for Concessionary Rates?
Business / Society Registration
Please provide the following information of your Business / Society Registration. If you are first-time applicant or the previously submitted documents have expired, a digital copy of your organization's Business / Society Registration document is required.

Correspondence Address*


  1. The above information will be saved for further editing.
  2. The application must be submitted at least 7 calendar days before the booking date.
  3. Please prepare a copy of Business/Society Registration documents of the organization if:
    • You are a first-time applicant.
    • Previously uploaded documents have expired.
  4. Please prepare a Digital Company Chop (in jpg or pdf format).

Supported OS Version
Microsoft Windows 7 and above
Android 6 and above
Apple Mac OSX 10.7 and above
Apple IOS 10.11 and above
Linux Kernel 3.10 and above
Supported Browser Version
Google Chrome 64 and above
Microsoft Edge 42 and above
Firefox 58 and above
Opera 50 and above
Safari (Mac OS only) 11 and above