Charges: Normal and Concessionary rates
Normal rates: these will apply to the vast majority of external bookings (external/commercial organizations, private schools, most "non-profit” organizations, educational or sports groups who expect most attendees to be non-HKU/UGC students/staff) - and this policy follows interpretations of the UGC-CAG rules (only members of funded UGC organisations should obtain subsidized/concessionary use/access to UGC-funded facilities). - If you are one of these groups, do NOT apply for concessionary rates
Concessionary rates: only a very limited number of external booking requests are likely to be granted concessional rates - these may include genuine registered charities (typically excludes non-profit organizations), local direct subsidized schools, educational/HKU groups where the vast majority of attendees will be members of HKU/UGC. - If you are one of these groups you “may” qualify for concessionary rates and will need to supply supporting evidence of your status (e.g. proven charity status under IRD Section 88; audited financial reports; event budget plan, etc.)
*Concessionary rates do not apply to School Sports Day*